Blueprint & Following Directions Activity

Take out your folder, pen/pencil, and project bag. Read the start-up information and complete your bell ringer.

Standard: 7.01 Demonstrates Hand Sewing Skills

Objective: I understand my blueprint and requirements for my final project. I will be able to use my time management and following directions to create a finished product by the end of the period.

  1. Label and date bell ringer sheets
  2. Complete and review bell ringer 
  3. Complete: Blue Print for Project Pride!
  4. Discuss/DemoFollowing directions sewing activity
  5. Complete: Following directions sewing activity (20 minutes)-- 5 minutes per task!
  6. Turn in: Write your name on the BACK of the felt with a marker and turn in for a grade
  7. Turn and Talk!:
    1. Were you able to complete the whole assignment?
    2. What was the hardest part about this assignment?
    3. What would you do differently if you could do this activity over?
  1. Review all stitches for final project
  2. Think about blueprint for Project Pride Pouch
  3. Complete blueprint for homework! (all 3 stitches, colors of felt, embroidery floss colors)

Bell ringer: What is a blueprint and how will it help you with your final project?

*DO NOT take your bins to your table, just grab your project bag at the start of class everyday*


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