Measuring Actvity

Take out your folder, pen/pencil, and project bag. Read the start-up information and complete your bell ringer.

Objective: I will be able to understand the basics kitchen equipment and proper measuring by the end of the period

Standard 7.02: Understands and applies basics of nutrition
  1. Go over bell ringer and pass out activity
  2. Discuss measuring lab activity-- 4 minutes at each station
  3. Demo how to measure (Dry, Liquid, and Measuring Spoons) and stations
  4. Turn and talk!
    1. Did you finish the whole assignment on time?
    2. How comfortable do you feel measuring wet and dry ingredients?
    3. What is the difference between measuring wet and dry ingredients? And what are some potential problems that could happen?
  5. Preview puppy chow recipe for tomorrow
  6. Discuss lab evaluation form and job roles

Bell Ringer: What are some things a recipe tells you? Why is it important to read a recipe carefully?


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