Thread needle, tie knots and assign bins
Take out your folder & pen/pencil, read the start-up information and complete your bell ringer.
Objective: I can understand how to thread a needle, tie a knot, and spool embroidery floss
Homework: Bring or buy a folder for FACS
Bell Ringer: What happens if you lose your needle during our sewing unit?
Objective: I can understand how to thread a needle, tie a knot, and spool embroidery floss
- Assign sewing needles
- Assign sewing bins
- Demo: Spooling
- Complete: Spooling
- Demo: How to thread a needle with thread and embroidery floss
- Demo: How to tie a knot
- Practice threading a needle and tying a knot
- If time, practice spooling embroidery floss
Homework: Bring or buy a folder for FACS
Bell Ringer: What happens if you lose your needle during our sewing unit?
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